One hour from now, our son Tony will be standing on top of a huge mountain called the Reaper in San Diego, California. After 54 hours of rigorous training, 20 different obstacle courses, cold muddy water, tunnels, barbed wire, 3 MRE's, 8 hours of sleep and almost 50 total miles of hiking. All of this, to become a United States Marine. To protect our wonderful nation. To protect you as you sleep peacefully at night. To protect me as I go through my everyday routine of school, coffee, work, kids, laundry, dishes, cooking, and cleaning. So that we can have normal and blessed everyday lives.
Maybe it takes having one of your own children go through this process to realize how brave and courageous these men and women who serve US really are. I love America, I love our Military and I love the United States Marine Corps. But most of all I love Jesus Christ, for all He's done in my life and for giving me a wonderful son such as Tony.
As I sit here and type this, this last hour is crawling by. It seems as if Time is crawling uphill, backwards and blindfolded. lol
But the next time I post, I will have a son that is an United States Marine. I feel truly overwhelmed and blessed and can really find no words to describe it.