Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Think I'll Be A Pet Photographer....

That's it! I seriously LOVE taking pictures of animals. I'm not sure why. But I seem to have more patience with them then lets say.......a large group of human beings that all seem to want to do their own thing. :) They are so sweet...and I love their expressions. I really believe I'm meant to work with kids and animals. Big people scare me. :) I need to get over these roadblocks in my career.....I know. I'm trying. The above picture is of my calico cat...Miss Kitty. She is patiently waiting for her the kitchen counter. No, she doesn't eat her dinner there....she just thinks she's human. Sigh......if she only could appreciate being a cat. :P
This is my sweet Lila. She's so cute! And she absolutely LOVES being photographed. Although tonite she seemed a little "over" the whole picture thing but she was a good girl and did a wonderful job!
This is her sad look...........I had my daughter speak firmly to her to get this look. Yes, I will go to any means to get my shot. :P Thats how I roll.
This isn't exactly the shot I was looking for....but, it shall do. Yes, she is being forced here. She doesn't know she has any animal rights....shhhhhh, don't tell her!

Friday, January 30, 2009

It's My Birthday and I'll Cry If I Want To..............'s my birthday today. lol And I'm 29 years old.............okay, maybe I'm not........but it's my story so I'm stickin' to it. :) But anyway, I'm just not very excited about my birthdays anymore. ;) And it's not because I'm getting older......I really don't mind. It's just that I think the older you get, the less exciting it seems. :) Does that make sense? I mean, when we were kids, everything evolved around it either happening 'before' your birthday or 'after' your birthday. :) One's birthday became the center of our own childhood timeline even to the point where we're not just 12.....but 12 and one half! Growing up becomes our one and only goal in life! First we want to be able to go to school, then we want to be a double digit, then we want to be a teenager, then we want to legally be an adult and then we want to be old enough to walk into a bar and order a drink. Even if we didn't drink! It was just the whole principle that we could! And then..............well, you get married, have kids and then you die. :) Okay, just joking.....there really is a lot more to life than that! lol Okay, I'll tell you a secret if you promise not to tell anyone else................................this is my last year of my 30's. Yes, next year will be my big 4 0 !!!!!! Yikes.
On a upnote.....I went to the doctor's office with my 20 year old son about 8 months ago and I noticed that the nurse was looking at me strange. As my son and I cantered playfully back and forth, tossing insult for insult :) I threw out there the whole...."I'm your mother and you'll do what I tell you to!" threat. Well, the nurse stopped and looked at me and said, "Oh, you're his mom???? (She thought I was his girlfriend!!!!! Ewwww!!!!!) She smiles and turns and as she's walking out the door, she yells back over her shoulder..."Well keep using that moisturizer's working!")
So, yea........I'll hang on to that story for awhile. It makes me feel good and kinda weird at the same time. :) But I'll take what I can get!
So what do I want for my birthday???? Well, let's see..........I want a free trip to Thailand with Bobby and Lindsey Earle or I want to go sip mocha's with Jasmine Star and have her teach me EVERYTHING she knows about photography!!!!!!!!! Or I want to go sliding down my multi-colored rainbow into my gumdrop lollipop land of imagination!
lol..........okay, what I am really GETTING for my birthday are some Totally Rad Actions that I have been coveting for some time now. :) My husband asked me what I wanted and I told him some TRA's for my PSCS3! He said....."Huh?" I sadly shook my head and said, "Just say yes or no." He's a rightside brain person you know. Everything is black or white, good or bad, wrong or right (which he says he is most of the time). So he said, "Oh, okay.....yes." I love him. No questions asked. :) He figured it was some silly photography thing again.
The above picture of me is from this past June when my husband sent me to Israel for our 20th wedding anniversary. It was a one way ticket......I never did figure that out....hmmm. But I love this picture because this is on the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee in the exact place they believe that Jesus called to his disciples as they were fishing out in the water. And after Peter realized that it was his Lord calling to him, he jumps into the water and swims as fast as he could to the shoreline. They had believed that Jesus was still dead. Jesus had prepared breakfast for them there and that's when He asked Peter...."Do you love me, Simon Peter?" three different times. Him asking three times represented the fact that He had forgiven him for denying Him the three different times during His trial. How can you just not love Jesus?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Natural Light.......

I've been learning about natural light. It really is a photographer's best friend. As I continue with my studies, I have to say that I am throughly enjoying this lesson on natural light. And I'm have a ton of fun taking pictures and trying different aperatures and ISO's. In other words, how much light I allow into my camera through the lens and how fast my shutter goes. :) I'm getting a little camera watch out! That could be dangerous. :) So here are a few pics from this week that I like. I'm still playing with Photoshop and 'actions' actions....I really do. :) I'm in heaven.
This is Jonny.........the masked man. And this is what he does. :P
Isaac................Jonny's friend forever.
I snapped this down the street while driving in my car.......yeah, that's how I roll.
Snapped this while sitting at a traffic light in downtown Mishawaka. It just makes me feel good looking at this picture.

Friday, January 23, 2009's the Way to Go!

Okay blog readers........I'm back. I've meant to blog a lot more this week (I've got some cool pictures) but I've decided to focus more on my postproduction efforts for now. What I mean is that I'm trying REAL hard to learn the PSCS3 thing I've got going on. :) It's an awesome program but it completely overwhelms me! Probably due to the fact that I am just now really learning on how to do this editing thing. :) And I love it! I've also been roaming the internet looking for inspirational websites and I fumbled upon The Pioneer Woman. She is AWESOME!!!!! No, seriously, she is. And she helps other photographers and just plain ol' women :) in all different kinds of areas. Cooking, gardening, photography, homeschooling....she's really cool. :) Check her out. So, just a sneak peak at what I'm learning.....above you'll see a beautiful and unedited photo of my niece. Isn't she lovely? She loves this picture and so do I. But after about 5 minutes of "messing around" with it.....this is what I got:
Isn't that a lot better?????? lol Now I'm sure there is more that I could just takes time so don't be so hard on me. I've also enrolled in an online college class for Photoshoppers like me. Who need a little bit of help. :) And, I'm also still finishing up my course with the New York Institute of Photography (awesome course by the way). So.........I'm rolling in information over here like a pig in the mud. :) And I'm loving it!

Monday, January 19, 2009

More 2008 Photos........And That's All Ya Get!

Okay, wow..............I'm tuckered. Here are a few more favs from the year 2008! My goal this year is to get a larger variety of subjects! And also to fully utilize my photoshopping skills to make an ordinary photo into an extraordinary photo! But nevertheless......I do really like this batch and I hope you enjoy them also! God Bless!