I love pretty bows!! A present just doesn't look complete without a lovely bow perched on top of it.
Just wanting to wish all my blog readers a wonderful and Merry Christmas this year! My thoughts and prayers are with several different people this morning.....
My dear friends Bruce and Bev who lost their son tragically last week....
To the people who are homeless and have no where to go and have to sleep outside in this kind of weather.......
To our son Tony who I pray will have a safe and blessed trip on his way home to us, he will be here tonight......
To all our employees that we had to lay off this quarter due to the hard economic times that everyone seems to be going through.....
To all the soldiers overseas who are unable to be with their families, I appreciate and understand the sacrifice that they so willingly give to us.....
To Sara as she prepares to leave this Sunday......
To my mother-n-law who lost her husband in November......
Even though I'm not real big on the holidays......I still have compassion for those who are and are suffering at this time. Holidays should be a time of happiness and joy. But for some people, they are the hardest times to get through. They have a way of bringing to mind the loss that we have suffered and the things that we had at one time but no longer have in our lives.
To me, Christmas is another hallmark holiday. It's true meaning doesn't really have true meaning to me. This is due to the fact that I know Jesus was born in the fall (the Hebrews were required to pay their taxes in the fall) and the shepards would not have been laying out in the fields during winter time (it does get cold and snow in Israel!). There are also a lot of pagan rituals and traditions that the Catholic church allowed to influence this holiday in order to keep the people happy. The Catholic church named December 25th as the official day of Christ's birth because it coincided with the birth of the Sun god that the pagans were allowed to continue to worship in the church.
Nobody knows the exact day our Lord was born although our entire history's timeline is based on the year of His birth.......B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (The Year of our Lord).
He was born in a cave......in the side of a hill. He was two years old by the time the wise men reached Him. There was no little drummer boy thumping away at His birth.
I guess it's true to say that I'm a realist. What I love about this holiday is blessing the people in my life with beautiful gifts......spending time with my loved ones......and just the overall feeling of good will and joy that seems to be infectious during this season. Most people just seem to be nicer! lol More considerate, kinder, more willing to go out of their way to smile and be pleasant towards one another.
If we could just be like this all year long.........I always loved my dad the most around Christmas time. He literally was a different person. It just seems to change people.....for awhile. :)
But anyways......Enjoy your families!!!!! Enjoy your good food, wonderful presents and just being together. God Bless all of you.