Hello there blog readers...it's been awhile. Sorry about that. :) I've been pretty busy ( I know I always say that) but it's true. :) Every summer I like to make a special trip somewhere I haven't been before. Now, since my husband doesn't want to travel internationally, I do not let this bother me. I DO want to travel internationally. So we have a deal, he buys the tickets and I take someone else. lol Works for me. :) I learned a long time ago that when I force him to do something he really doesn't want to do or enjoy doing, it ends up making us both miserable. So, I bite the bullet........and go fill up my passport without him. :) It's okay though, because life goes by too fast not to do what you really enjoy. And I'm blessed to be able to do this. So, my next journey is.....you guessed it! Jamaica!! I'm so excited I can't even see straight! lol We have a wonderful employee by the name of Russell who is originally from Jamaica. His beautiful wife Violet has graciously invited me to come and visit for a week or so. So, I'm packing my bags and heading out of here on Tuesday! I'm really looking forward to this particular trip because it won't be the usual tourist trap vacation. I think it will be a lot more fun to see the island with someone who has always lived there. :) So I am truly looking forward to it. And yes, I will be posting TONS of pics as soon as I can. Love ya all!