I love the Norris Family. It was wonderful spending time with you guys and I enjoyed the fellowship so much! Even if Sean would have rather been hunting. :) That's okay. lol I'm sure the deer appreciated me keeping him busy. :)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
David & Farrah 11/21/2010
David and Farrah sitting in a tree....
First comes love
Then comes marriage......
Congratulations you two! I love you both and I pray that the Lord will bless your marriage and your lives for many, many, many years to come! Keep Him first in your lives, He'll never let you down. :)
More pictures to come....
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Random. Fav Picture. Ever.
I don't know why I love this picture. But I do. Maybe because it's more down on their level...... Maybe I'm spending too much time in the field. Maybe I'd get more done if I'd stop taking pictures of my horses. :) I don't really see that happening.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Playin' With My Horsies :)
This is my Cutie girl enjoying some fresh field grass. I love my horsies. :) And I'm making a habit of playing with them. They love it, trust me.......Look at Dakota's face below...... :)
Okay, so maybe there's a little fear in there. lol I can't blame him though. Being chased around the field by a little crazy lady with a big camera probably wouldn't be my idea of a nice, relaxing afternoon in the field.
Obviously Chester wants nothing to do with this. :)
Miracle.....although, I think we're going to change his name soon, enjoyed racing around the field. That's what he told me, anyhow.
Awwww, they love to play.
And run from me......
And jump.....
And dance..... :)
But now it's time to come in....
Which is good, because my girl here gets mad when she has to come in first. lol She kicks her stall and gives me the 'look'. But that's okay.....she's still my girl. :) I love my horsies.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Happy Birthday to My Baby Boy!
Okay, so he's not really mine. ;) He should be. lol But then again, I wouldn't want to make his mom cry so I guess she can still keep him. Sigh.......my little Calan is the BIG ONE now. :) And he's still as cute as a bug. And he gives the BEST hugs. Seriously. He sinks deep into your arms and snuggles right into you, wrapping his little arms around your neck.........sigh. If I didn't like his mom........lol. That's right, he'd be mine. :) Now, if we could just keep him this little forever....... :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Just a quick peak at Katie's Senior pics. :) What a beautiful, young lady! And she's just as sweet. I had such a great time, more pictures coming soon. Enjoy your last year of high school! Because after that......reality hits all too soon. ;)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Sneak Peak of Megan :)
Probably my all time favorite of Megan! :) More to come. I also had the opportunity of shooting her bestest friend Katie. :) Absolutely beautiful. Will be posting soon.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Nichole & Randy.......4EVER. :)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Chris & Sara Ferguson!!
Congratulations to Chris and Sara! May the Lord richly bless your marriage for many, many years to come. We're so proud of you and love you two very much!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Blog Boards :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
This Cracks Me Up!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Lindsey :)

Monday, September 6, 2010
Megan :)

Friday, September 3, 2010
Jeff and Rachel :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sneak Peak!

Weddings.......hmm. lol Yes, they are a bittersweet thing for me. :) On one hand, I'm totally in love with the couple I'm shooting for and so blessed to be able to capture their special day for them. And then on the other hand, I'm so totally STRESSED at the responsibility of capturing their special day for them. lol Usually by the time I leave a wedding, I've vowed to never shoot one again. It's true. Then I get home and see all the wonderful shots, happy faces and oozing love. :) It's almost like childbirth for me........I soon forget the pain and enjoy the product. I'm not sure if I'll continue down the path of Weddings.......I'm just not sure if it's for me. But that's okay, I don't believe weddings are for every photographer. I'm still trying to find my way in this great, big world of photography.......and I'm excited about where I may end up. Kinda like Dorothy landing in the Land of Oz. I just don't know what's around the corner. Congratulations Jeff and Rachel!! Love you guys! There's more coming soon.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Hello! It's me again! :) I've made a few changes recently. First of all, I've gotten rid of FACEBOOK! lol Yes, it took way too much of my time and can really cause you to be idle minded, and I know that's not what the Lord wants in my life. It's a nice way to advertise your work but then again, the Lord has always been faithful in bringing the work. :) And I'm also going to be changing my website very soon. I've got a new logo and I'm excited to get it out there. :) It's nothing fancy, it's just simple and clean. And I love it. Here's a few shots of some of the work I've been doing. I'll be posting several wedding posts very soon. They deserve their own special slot. :)
This is Tyler! He's as cute as a button. And he looks just like his momma. ;)

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