Okay, so I've been 'blogged' down. :) Just a little. Please accept my sincere apologies. Sincerely. :) Things just started taking off for this little business of mine, and I am so very grateful. So I've kinda mushed everything together from the last several weeks into one big, happy family of pictures. :) Hope you don't mind. It's how I roll. I had the privilege of shooting a beautiful couple by the names of Emily and Matt Trivett. I'm a sucker for a Marine, believe you me. lol It was a beautiful day for a beautiful wedding. I couldn't have met a nicer family than the Hardy's and Trivett's. Thank you so much for including me in your special day. Also, some awesome Seniors I had the privilege of spending some time with...Josh Long, Josh Flatt and Abbey Ward!

Love this one!

Josh Flatt......he's taken girls. Sorry. ;)

Beautiful Abbey. :)